Monday, November 27, 2006

Shinji in Kyoto

Shinji, a Japanese friend from Munich came to visit me. We went to the night light-up at Kiyomizu-Dera.

We also met my friend Shizuka, a half-Japanese half-German girl from Berlin who is spending a year at Kyoto University.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Momiji- Japanese maple

Now is the best time to enjoy the Momiji (japanese maple) and its nice colors. I went out with Kenji to get some nice pictures. First we went to a night light-up at Jisso-In 実相院, a Zen temple.

The next day, we walked along the philosopher`s path 哲学の道.

The mecca for Momiji-lovers is Eikan-Do 永観堂。

The golden pavillion at Kinkaku-Ji is also very nice in the fall time.